Saturday, April 12, 2008

Avoid the newest Ad Scam and don't be crazy!

"Crazy Like A Fox" TV Ads

Almost everyone who watches TV has seen the commerical with the talking red fox charater that tells you that you would have to be "crazy like a fox" to not go for a chance to make thousands of dollars on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. They even go as far as using actors to make you think there are real people out there that have made a real profit. You might have also noticed that everytime the the commercial comes on the web address that appears at the bottom is different from the last time the commercial aired.

Don't be taken by this commercial it is a scam! It’s going to cost you at least $10 to find out that you need to pay at least $200 more to find out that you really don't want any part of it. Remember Herbalife? Do you want any part of that? I personally shelled out over $400 to buy into the whole scam. I received my "kit" filled with Herbalife products, which after tasting personally I found that none of the products even tasted good. And soon there after I thought that if I didn't care for any of the products how could I sale them to others? With the $400 buy in price you do get a "person coach", which mine was really no help to me since she herself had just bought into Herbalife a month earlier and I had been her first sale! She and her "coach" got on the phone with me and explained that in order to be successful in my new business I needed to shell out more money to pay for advertising. I said I could do about $50, they suggested more around $200, and that was for each month. Now think about this, if I were already rich, why the heck would I need to sell Herbalife? I wouldn't, so I said screw it and I cut my losses right then and there. Remember, If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is, so let them be "crazy like a fox" while you stay a few hundred dollars richer.

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