Monday, April 14, 2008

Ever thought about making money with

My fiancee and I started selling books from her school and our major reading habit on Last month was the first full month for our "Cup of Words" store and we sold 32 books. See the following:
Month Profit # of Books Refunds Refund Rate
MAR - 2008 $317.84 32 1 3%

This Month we are set to do even better as you can see below: (The numbers are as of 04/14/2008)

APR - 2008 Profit # of Books Refunds Refund Rate
(results to date)$346.16 33 2 6%

We don't buy or even sell books that are way out there in price and they are either sell in gently used or very used condition. We usually get our books when they are on sale at one of the many local book stores, we some times get them from friends whom don't have space to store them and still others actually come from used book stores and garage/yard sales. What's so crazy about the whole deal is that we usually make either what we originally paid for the book or up to 200% more than the cost if we got it really cheap.

Amazon does not charge you for a basic account nor do they charge you to list a book, DVDs, VHS, etc. on their site unless you go on to the pro account that cost $39.95 per month. We chose to stick with the basic account and it has worked out very well thus far for us. Amazon only takes a fee once the product sells and the nicest thing about going with Amazon versus other places is that they include a shipping credit in the amount they charge the customer. There is no need for a merchant account either, they take care of getting the payment from your customer. We put our personal checking account in their system so whenever we want to take out what we've earned the money goes straight in to our account instead of having to wait on a check. You do have to put a credit card on file to handle any refunds or non-delivery of books.

If you want to make a little bit extra each money, why not check out this certified, tested and proven way, after all, it can't hurt because it doesn't cost you anything to get started!

*** If you would like to check out our selection on Amazon, please click HERE. You can use our listings as examples of what you too can list.

Good luck and happy selling!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

So you want a free laptop free ehh?

Okay, I will say no more than to stay as far away from this site as possible. Come on wake up! Yes it is possible that if you sign up for all the offers needed and you don't break any of the rules along the way, then you might just receive a free laptop, but don't dream before you check out this and other offers like it. Always read the small print, the privacy information and the about us tabs, as they usually underline all the ways that if for some reason you don't follow all the rules and links that they are in no way responsible for your misfortune. IF you put all your information into websites like these you will not only give these advertisers the right to contact you, but you give the main company to sell your personal information many times over. This opens the door to lots of junk mail, spam, phone solicitors, and your name being put on every "I will buy anything" list out there. So like I said, just stay away from scams and let me worry about guiding you in the right direction.

If I find that any of the real money makers I post is not real or makes people loose money instead of make it I will not only take it off my site, but I will let everyone know to stay well away from them.

How to add a Pay Pal donate button to your blog is the international service used for money transfer. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer. You may have seen the Donate buttons from Paypal on many blogs. These allow your blog visitors to express their satisfaction about your blog in a monetary way.

Here is how to add a paypal donate button to your blog :

1. Log in to your PayPal account.

2. Click Merchant Services.

3. Click Donations.

4. Complete the form with the details of your item and select the Donation button you wish to use. For assistance with this process, click More Resources in the upper right corner of this page.

5. In the Currency drop down box, select the type of currency you would like to receive your payments in.

6. If you need to specify additional details, click Add More Options and fill out the appropriate fields, otherwise click Create Button Now.

7. If you selected Add More Options, click Create Button Now.

8. Copy the HTML code into a text file in Notepad and save it. Click Done if you are finished creating buttons, or click on Create Another Button if you want to make additional buttons.

9. Login at

10. Click on Layout link on Dashboard.

11. Click the Add page Element link in sidebar on the Page Elements subtab of Template tab.

12. Choose the Html/Javascript option in the popup window.

13. Paste the code from Paypal under the Contents window. Save.

14. Clear Cache and view Blog.

Avoid the newest Ad Scam and don't be crazy!

"Crazy Like A Fox" TV Ads

Almost everyone who watches TV has seen the commerical with the talking red fox charater that tells you that you would have to be "crazy like a fox" to not go for a chance to make thousands of dollars on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. They even go as far as using actors to make you think there are real people out there that have made a real profit. You might have also noticed that everytime the the commercial comes on the web address that appears at the bottom is different from the last time the commercial aired.

Don't be taken by this commercial it is a scam! It’s going to cost you at least $10 to find out that you need to pay at least $200 more to find out that you really don't want any part of it. Remember Herbalife? Do you want any part of that? I personally shelled out over $400 to buy into the whole scam. I received my "kit" filled with Herbalife products, which after tasting personally I found that none of the products even tasted good. And soon there after I thought that if I didn't care for any of the products how could I sale them to others? With the $400 buy in price you do get a "person coach", which mine was really no help to me since she herself had just bought into Herbalife a month earlier and I had been her first sale! She and her "coach" got on the phone with me and explained that in order to be successful in my new business I needed to shell out more money to pay for advertising. I said I could do about $50, they suggested more around $200, and that was for each month. Now think about this, if I were already rich, why the heck would I need to sell Herbalife? I wouldn't, so I said screw it and I cut my losses right then and there. Remember, If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is, so let them be "crazy like a fox" while you stay a few hundred dollars richer.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Why I think PayDotCom is the Best Affiliate Marketplace on the Net!


Brad here...

If you are familiar with (R), or even if you are not but you want to make profits online, then you will want to check this out ASAP ...

While I like Clickbank, and they are a great marketplace... they are limited to many restrictions to sell products or earn affiliate commissions...

Well, there is a GREAT NEW SERVICE now...

It is a new FREE marketplace where you can sell any product you want.

Yours OWN product...

- OR - (the best part)
You can become an INSTANT Affiliate for ANY item in their HUGE marketplace.

It is called!

Did I mention it is 100% FREE to Join!

This site is going to KILL all other marketplaces and I by now, almost EVERY SINGLE SERIOUS online marketer has an account with

So get yours now and see how much they offer...

OH! - Also, they have their won affiliate program now that pays you COLD HARD cash just for sharing the site with people like I am doing with you...

They give you cool tools like BLOG WIDGETS, and they even have an advertising program to help you get traffic to your site.

If you want an ARMY of affiliates to sell your products for you, they also allow you to have Free placement in their marketplace!

Even better... If your product becomes one of the Top 25 products in its category in the marketplace (not that hard to do)...

...then you will get Free advertising on the Blog Widget which is syndicated on THOUSANDS of sites World Wide and get Millions of impressions per month.

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Get your FREE account now at:


P.S. - Make sure to get your Account NOW while it is Free to join.
