Monday, March 31, 2008 All You Need is a Digital Camera &
Internet Access to Get Started … Even
If You Are a Rank Amateur With No Previous
Professional Photography Experience at All!

#1 Voted Best Money Maker on the Web! "The Rich Jerk"

Check out our new #1 Pick! is rated the #1 opportunity for making money online. Yes, you heard me right, the guy whose self-proclaimed himself the biggest jerk on the web has created a goldmine to anyone that will put a little time into his successful ideas.

We've talked to several people in chat rooms and on message boards and without fail they all mentioned the Rich Jerk. I checked it out, bought into his plan, read his e-book, scanned through his blog and even listened to audio e-book reading, and I made some money. Now I'm not rich yet, but after only two weeks working less than four total hours I've brought in a little over $300. His plan was less than $50 and although the emails I'm getting can get a bit annoying, I along with most of the Internet money maker entrepreneurs' raise our glasses to the one scheme that for once isn't a scam!
